Yoga therapy to access your physical wisdom

… a program for treating stress, pain, illness, disorders and other blockages to the body’s systems.

A blockage is anything that stands between you and your desired experience. Whether you are blocked physically, emotionally, creatively, even financially… there are yoga techniques to help you increase well-being and connect to your own physical wisdom.

This therapeutic practice is embodied and individualized. We define your personal program for lasting, positive change. Whereas classes are more generalized, in a therapy session, we tailor yogic tools to your goals. You take an active role in your own process of development and healing.

Yoga therapy is…

The World Health Organization named stress “the health epidemic of the 21st century”

High-stress living puts the nervous system on overdrive.
We experience poor digestion, anxiety, insomnia, and the list goes on.
Our hormones get thrown off, and this alters our emotional, mental and physical states.

Some areas for yoga therapy interventions:

  • stress management

  • pain management

  • burnout prevention & recovery

  • asthma & breathing issues

  • insomnia & fatigue

  • fertility & hormonal balance

  • strengthening immunity

  • improving digestion

  • decision-making & change processes

…are magical methods for building resilience to handle the stress of modern life.

This special hatha yoga tradition works by activating the nervous system and the glandular system simultaneously.

Repetitive movements combined with breathing techniques train the nervous system to move smoothly between “fight and flight” and “rest and digest” states. 

The practice breaks down stress hormones in the body, bringing us pain relief and improving our sleep. This has an intensely healing effect, which you will feel!

Yoga lets you take an active role in your own health care. With yoga therapy, you get to know your body’s systems much better. You will find your individual methods for maintaining the health and mindset you want.

And, a little bit goes a long way!

Kundalini yoga and meditation…

“I practice yoga to build up my inner resources -
to be resilient and balanced”

Emilie Bromberg

  • Certified Yoga Therapist

  • Certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor

  • Hormone Yoga Instructor

  • MBCT/MBSR Practitioner 

  • Coach - Spiral Coaching Model

“During phases of change, stress, crisis and illness, yoga has been my therapy. It has worked wonders for me, and this motivated me to study Yoga Therapy and Psychology, and to support people on their own paths of transformation and growth.” 

  • “I did a series of 5 private yoga therapy sessions with Emilie to treat pain in my elbow – tendonitis from too much editing at the computer. She devised a great course, accounting for my inexperience with yoga. Now anytime I notice a slight relapse, I return to the exercises to alleviate the problem before it becomes critical.”

    Alexander Paulick-Thiel, 49

    Musician, Producer, Berlin

  • “Emilie is a very attentive listener, a well-versed therapist, and one of the most motivating – yet relaxed – yoga teachers I know. In our private yoga therapy sessions, she supported me with cycle disorders and infertility due to PCOS. The work we did together was successful, my menstrual cycle returned after many, many years, and I got pregnant!”

    Svenja Rühland, 32

    Biologist, Berlin

  • “After one round of “yoga for women and our cycles” my menstrual cycle became more normal (from 7 to 5 weeks). For me as a biologist, activating the endocrine organs via body movements that increase the heat and blood flow makes a lot of sense. I don´t know of any other natural, physical way to normalize the menstrual cycle in women with irregular periods. Thank you, Emilie!”

    Anonymous, 39

    Medical Researcher, Copenhagen

  • “In my work as a psychotherapist, I integrate breathing exercises from the kundalini practice. It’s important to me to have a professional teacher with a depth of knowledge about the kundalini yoga tradition, and I’ve found this in Emilie.”

    Bettina Reichert, 59

    Therapist, Systemic Coach & Consultant, Bonn

  • “Emilie’s online course “yoga for women and our cycles” was one of the most pleasant online courses I’ve attended. Emilie led us in her own calm, mindful and uncomplicated way. She is always open and responsive to each person’s needs.”

    Isabel Gobind Anand, 41

    Nurse, Hamburg

  • “I like Emilie’s teaching style: simple, relaxed, matter-of-fact, and no unnecessary frills. The mix of strenuous exercise and relaxation is also really well balanced. It’s great to be among Emilie and other women who share the same issues (PMS, PCOS, cycle-related problems, etc.). Emilie has caringly supported me along my path to a more regular cycle.”

    Olivia Bendts, 30

    Data scientist, Bremen

  • “Yoga with Emilie is like taking an inspiring journey with an experienced guide – embarking into the unknown, tracking down unimagined inner spaces and qualities. Emilie really knows how to lead toward the discovery of a new, old physical intelligence.”

    Sebastian Bühler, 41

    Consultant, Breathworker, Berlin